#goals #help

aaron-burden-521422-unsplashI almost applied for post-grad school.

Can you believe that?
I just got done with the whole get-your-education thing (it took me 10 years to get my BA and MA) and I was suddenly considering going back into the mess of deadlines and debt to get my PhD.

To avoid making any hasty decisions, I took time to consider why exactly I wanted to go back to school.
Is it because I want my PhD? In part, yes.
Is it because I miss the lack of sleep and health risks involved in high levels of stress? No, definitely not.
Is it because I miss the challenge and the structure? Yeah. Yes. There it is.

I miss deadlines and feedback and actually writing. I had all these ideas that once I graduated I would write all the time like some frenetic literature-producing machine. That didn’t happen.

Instead, I slept more, read more books, traveled more, and cruised the interwebs more. (3/4 of those things are good–the other one is not so much.)

Even with all that goodness happening, I found that my soul, the very center of who I am, was suffering because I wasn’t writing.

Wake up call –> Writing = Happiness

Whew. Okay. Lesson learned.

I’m creating structure for myself–and this is an experiment because I’m not even sure what my writing process looks like. But I have two books in the works right now and they need to be finished so I can continue writing new things.

I picked up some books to help me figure out how to *lovingly* implement some structure in my writing life and motivate myself toward goals. Write Smart, Write Happy by Carol St. John has been very helpful in the planning and goal-setting process. David Sedaris’ Theft by Finding has been taking care of the motivation department.

Accountability is a yucky work, but I believe very strongly in community. If you’re a writer, I want to hear about your goals and how you accomplish them.

These are my weekly goals:

  • Write 5 pages in YA novel
  • Write 2 poems
  • Write 1 blog post
  • Bonus: Ex: Short story, revision, plotting new ideas, character dev, etc

These are my 2018 goals:

Screen Shot 2018-04-12 at 12.08.02 PM

All these goals are on a spreadsheet (so you know it’s official).

Writer friends: I am so interested to know how you keep track of your goals, when you write, and how you motivate yourself.
Everyone else: Keep us in your thoughts and if we look frazzled, it’s because we are.

Peaceful, easy feelings–


Share your goals! I’d love to hear them and encourage you along the way!

Join The Write Group on Facebook for community, updates, accountability, funny memes, and whatever else we come up with.

Anyone want to be a beta reader for my YA novel? I’d love to be a beta reader for whatever you’re writing in return. Email me and let me know if you’re interested!



Responses to “#goals #help”

  1. dejarue

    Good luck with your goals, Kaela! Self motivation is such a tough and worthy discipline. You’ve got this. 🙌🏼

    1. Kaela Moore

      Thank you, friend! ❤

  2. melissabosi

    Hmmmm, I hope I get a sneak peek 🙂

    1. Kaela Moore

      Oh, you know you will. 🙂

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