
Meanwhile, in the Adventures of Myla and Kaela…


Yes, hello.

It’s me. It’s been awhile, I know. Surely you’re used to this nonsense by now.

In the time I’ve been gone, a thing or two has happened, as they often do.



It’s quick update time! Here goes…

1. Myla and I moved to an adorable little bungalow in Wichita. We’re minutes away from my work and a mile away from my parents—and only a few blocks away from her school!

2. Yes, she starts Kindergarten next month. Yes, time flies. No, I’m not ready. Can we talk about this some other time? *gets emotional*

3. I graduated with my MA in English and Creative Writing! After ten years of relentless education, I am now done. For now. There’s a PhD somewhere in my future.

4. I began working on starting a non-profit with two of my dearest friends. You can check it out at WereAllHer.com.

5. I’ve finished about 1/3-1/2-ish of my first novel. Yup, that’s a thing. Goal: To finish it by October. Also, there’s a poetry collection in the works. Whatever that means.

6. I’m speaking at Wichitalks tonight (!!!) on a subject I’m very passionate about.

7. I’ve been to D.C. for work–twice! And Minneapolis to see my dear friend Becca.

8. Myla has started using words like “conversation” and “ordinary” and “flabbergasted”. She’s also really great at life in general.

9. I am still in love with my job and all the incredible work I get to be part of here.

10. By some beautiful miracle, I am absolutely surrounded by the kindest, most amazing people in the whole damn world.

Life has evolved into something really joyful and peaceful and it’s giving me the space to get back to the things that I love. I’m grateful. Really, really grateful.

How are you?! Leave me an update in the comments or a link to your latest writing/projects/etc so I can catch up with you and your beautiful lives!


P.S. Please be patient with me as I re-brand a bit in preparation for publication efforts. It’s gonna get messy before it gets epic.



Responses to “Meanwhile, in the Adventures of Myla and Kaela…”

  1. Claudia Davis

    Miss seeing both your beautiful faces!! Love hearing about your life. I actually wrote in my blog a few weeks ago.

    1. Kaela Moore

      We miss your lovely face as well! I’m checking your blog out now. Thank you, Claudia!

  2. misterwilliamwelch

    I’m so gald we get to do at least part of all of this together. xo

    1. Kaela Moore

      Same, sweet friend. Same.

  3. Sarah

    You are awesome and I’m glad I know you!

    1. Kaela Moore

      Back atcha! 🙂

  4. Jack Flacco

    Great news all-around. Congrats for everything!

    1. Kaela Moore

      Thank you, thank you!

  5. bensbitterblog

    So many life updates. Congrats on your Master’s and your awesome job. Oh, and moving and kindergarten. Geez, so many things.

    1. Kaela Moore

      It’s a whirlwind over here! I hope things are bitter as usual out your way!

      1. bensbitterblog

        Yep, bitter as usual. The only way I live.

  6. Jessica

    You are amazing, inspiring.

    1. Kaela Moore

      You are kind, Jessica. Thank you for reading.

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